Ubiquity 1975-1999
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Eitan Boiarsky

Eitan Boiarsky is an American artist whose work spans prints, painting, and photography. His work draws on a set of recurrent motifs— the history of abstract painting, tennis courts, and family ephemera – to enter into a dialogue with and prolonged inquiry into his chosen interests. Transforming the objects that comprise the fabric of his life into vibrantly colored, two-dimensional form, Boiarsky captures a tension between the personal and the universal.

In the Ubiquity Series, Boiarsky emphasizes his constant struggle in defining originality in his craft. Inspired by Frank Bowling's 1972 painting Looking at Barney & Mark, Boiarsky creates digital paintings which demonstrate an amalgamation of styles to forge an entirely new artwork. These works explore our access to reference material in today’s digital age and prompt questions about when ideas truly become our own amidst subconscious external influences.

This series draws from prominent 20th century painters such as Frank Bowling, Helen Frankenthaler, Ruby Sterling, Louise Bourgeois, and others. Upon encountering their works in person, Boiarsky photographs snippets of these paintings to immerse himself in the visual language and history these artists crafted. Through digital collage, these fragmented images are woven together into unique compositions. The repetitive forms that frame the sides of each work allude to the ubiquitous Copy and Paste keyboard strokes that we instinctively use. This serves to acknowledge the act of borrowing, referencing, and ultimately building upon the histories laid by those who preceded us. Beyond paying homage to the artists that have artistically shaped his work, this series reflects on how the past continues to bear down on the present. By blending multiple histories into new artworks, these pieces emphasize the importance of tapping into the past to facilitate progress in the present.

Boiarsky graduated with a B.A. in The History of Art and Architecture from Brown University where he focused on the utility and diversity of post-war American painting practices. Boiarsky is a Master of Industrial Design candidate at the Rhode Island School of Design, where he continues to investigate the intersection of functionalism and creative expression within his work.

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